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enchanted connections

.Beautiful people I have the pleasure of working with.

.Beautiful projects I have the pleasure of being part of.

Saulo Battesini, my father, is a brilliant musician. Both my albums were produced and recorded by him in his studio, and he played most of the instruments as well.

Listen to his instrumental album

Julio Stotz is a Brazilian photographer and filmmaker, who directed my first two videoclips, "mãe d'água" and "o que tem que ser". 

Check his YouTube channel

Thiago Sobral is a Brazilian musician and sounddesigner with whom I have a lovely project, Duo Pedra de rio.

Mãeana is a brazilian singer and multiartist, with whom I have sung many times, one of my closest friends. CHECK it out:

Luhli was one of the most brilliant brazilian singer songwriters, a multitalented artist, and a witch I had the pleasure and honor of learning from and working with. She passed in 2018, leaving a legacy of thounsands of songs, worth diving into.

Palmira Margarida is a historian, specialized on the history of perfumes and archetypes of goddesses. I collaborate in her project by giving voice to the plants, singing the smells, a fascinating research.

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Pé-na-Tábua was a small group FORMED BY nEILA tAVARES, nILSON nUNES AND mYSELF, producing theater and cinema in the rural area of Lumiar, state of RIO DE jANEIRO, bRAZIL. Check some of the lovely things we did together.

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Gian Paolo Celli is a multitalented artist. A very Important partner in my life.

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Nathália Lima Verde is a brazilian actress who develops beautiful projects reconecting women with their magic and healing nature. I have worked with her, singing in her retreats for women, certainly some of the most magic experiences I've had.

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Helena Cooper is a brazilian photographer specialized in capturing the magic within human nature. Her portraits are breathtaking.

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Captains Bar is a small historic pub in Edinburgh with unamplified acoustic music sessions, where it's always a pleasure to be, to play, to sing.

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TuFlamenco is a Flamenco School based in Edinburgh. It's a joy to be a collaborator in their shows and events.

Estafany Correia is a beautiful photographer based in Scotland. lovely sensitive portraits.

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Theiya Arts is a charity engaged in Sparking creativity & promoting Wellbeing in Scotland through the practices of South Asian art forms and yoga. I have the pleasure of collaborating with them in their ongoing performative project "Maiden Mother Whore".

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© 2019 por Giulia Drummond

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